YMCA of Southern Okanagan BC


YMCA of Southern Okanagan BC


Kelowna Family YMCA
375 Hartman Road, Kelowna


Fri Mar 28 2025


11:45 am - 12:45 pm


Free and open to the public - Everyone is welcome

Choose to move

Friday, March 28, 2025, 11:45 am PST
Kelowna Family YMCA – Rutland
375 Hartman Road,  Kelowna
A free physical activity support program at the YMCA of Southern Interior BC is helping older, physically inactive adults. Choose to Move is a three-month choice-based group facilitation program that guides participants in creating a healthy routine. Participants will receive an initial one-on-one consultation and attend regular motivational group meetings. Developed by the University of British Columbia’s Active Aging Research Team and the Active Aging Society, Choose to Move provides participants with evidence-based resources and support to transition into an active lifestyle.
“After starting the program, I feel stronger and less fatigued, my bloodwork has improved, and the activity has also helped with the side effects of my medication,” states a program participant. “The program helped motivate me and got me out of the house to socialize more.”
Those interested are encouraged to register for the upcoming information session.
Registration is required, and space is limited.
To reserve your spot email Adriane.Long@ymcasibc.ca or call 250-491-9622 ext. 224.

Learn more here