March 31
“it’s only as good as…”: Care at a distance for people with heart beat irregularity
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heartbeat irregularity in Canada and occurs most often in older people. People with AF who needed specialized care during the pandemic were able to receive their care at a distance. This presentation highlights both their support and reservations related to this approach to care.
Dr. Kathy Rush, Professor
School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development
UBC Okanagan
Lindsay Burton, Research Coordinator
School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development
UBC Okanagan
March 30
Advance Care Planning – Who will speak for you?
“Who will speak for you when the time comes where you cannot speak for yourself?”
Advance Care Planning is important for every adult to consider and an important part of overall life planning. In this session, Central Okanagan Hospice Association’s specially trained hospice palliative care volunteers and staff present information to help you understand Advance Care Planning; what it is and what it is not. Learn why it is important to reflect and speak out values, beliefs and wishes with family and friends, in regard to future health care decisions.
COHA invites you to be brave and join us to begin a conversation that matters!
Donna Rubadeau, Volunteer, Central Okanagan Hospice Association; Hospice House and Kelowna General Hospital; BC Center for Palliative Care – Advance Care Planning Facilitator Training
Patty Walker, Volunteer, Central Okanagan Hospice Association; End-of-Life Doula, Member of the End-of-Life Doula Association of Canada; BC Center for Palliative Care – Advance Care Planning Facilitator Training
Learn more here: Central Okanagan Hospice Association COHA
March 28
The ‘other health emergency’: Health equity and climate change in British Columbia, Canada
Climate change has created unprecedented challenges for BC communities and its health systems in recent years. This presentation shares evidence on the health equity impacts of climate change, and new insights into how public health systems and community actors can both protect and promote the health of BC communities under a variety of possible climate futures.
Dr. Chris G Buse, Senior Research Scientist
Centre for Environmental Assessment Research, UBC Okanagan
A Partnership in Research Webinar
Friday, March 25
Monday, March 28
Intergenerational Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Intergenerational STEM is an opportunity for youth and parents, grandparents, or caregivers to come together and participate in a variety of hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning activities. We are excited to support people in increasing their understanding of STEM and provide engaging opportunities for participants.
This event is meant to be attended by partners of youth and an adult, and is offered at no cost.
All materials will be provided. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Co-hosted by Integrative STEM Team Advancing Networks of Diversity (iSTAND) and Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology (WWEST) – University of British Columbia Okanagan
March 22
Knowledge is Power: How to protect your finances from fraud and theft
We believe the more you know the better you can protect yourself. Learn about current fraud trends and what you can do to protect yourself. This year, Interior Savings Credit Union teamed up with Doug Flannigan of FH&P Lawyers to provide information on how you can put in place proactive measures to further protect yourself from fraud and theft as you age.
Paula Naka, Manager, Risk Management,
Interior Savings Credit Union
Doug Flannigan, Partner, FH&P Lawyers
March 21
Digital Assets: What are they and why are they important in Estate Planning?
Learn what digital assets are and why you need to know why they matter in estate planning. Legal examples involving digital assets and how to ensure you are properly managing your digital assets are discussed.
Anjali Inman, Founder, EstateBox
Learn more here: EstateBox
March 18
Discover e-Bikes
Elevation Outdoors and CRIS Adaptive Adventures have an array of types and sizes of E-bikes to help everyone feel the wind in their hair.
March 16
Real Life Estate Planning for Real People
Estate planning may seem like something only millionaires do, but the truth is, everyone needs an estate plan, no matter how much money you have. Learn how you can avoid the common pitfalls and how to maximize the benefits of planning your estate.
Experts in law from Fulton help make the complexities of estate planning seem clear and answer your questions.
Hosted by:
Interior Savings Credit Union
Shayden Stewart, Insurance and Estate Planning Advisor
Panel Experts:
Leah Card, Lawyer. Her keen insight and reputation for excellence in estate planning and estate administration results from her broad business and property law background, and from having over 15 years of experience in wills and estates law.
Tyson McNeil-Hay, Lawyer. His law practice focuses on estate, commercial and local government litigation. As a persuasive, successful advocate, he has appeared at all levels of court in BC.
March 15
Aging in Place: The Canadian Context
Reflections from survey results and focus groups on the meaning and action needed to age well in Canada are shared in this webinar.
Dr. Jennifer Jakobi, Professor
School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan;
Aging in Place research cluster Lead; NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering
Learn more here: Aging in Place
A Partnership in Research Webinar
March 14
What’s Next: The COVID Aftermath
Another year has passed, unlike any other that has challenged the health care systems across Canada. As we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, what lessons have we learned to do things better?
As one of Canada’s top health and public policy observers and commentators, no one is more equipped to lead this discussion than André Picard. In 2020, he was one of the first to make a public declaration to ‘shut it down’ and implement physical distancing measures. He has covered all angles of the pandemic—from the status of frontline workers, to the implications for older adults and youth, to the impact on our workplaces.
Picard shares his in-depth insights on post-pandemic health reform with impetus that good must come from all of this.
Co-hosted by the Faculty of Health and Social Development, and the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, UBC Okanagan campus
March 14
Exploring Patient Engagement Patient Voices Network
Learn more about how patient partners are improving the quality of health care in BC. You will hear how the Patient Voices Network provides opportunities for patient partners to collaborate with healthcare to improve patient safety, enhance health outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and ensure better care experiences for patients and care providers.
Watch this video to learn how you can get involved.
Carol Stathers, Engagement Leader, Interior Region | Patient & Public Engagement, BC Patient Safety & Quality Council
Maria Klement, Patient Partner, Patient Voices Network
Learn more here: BC Patient Safety & Quality Council
March 11
Music Therapy and Wellness in Aging
Learn about music therapy and how we can use music to help achieve healthy aging.
Lizzy Walsh, MSW student, University of British Columbia Okanagan campus
Music Therapist, Soul Sounds Music Therapy
March 10
Laughter Yoga: An antidote to pandemic pressures
We all have heard that laughter is the best medicine, so why not rekindle happiness and cheer in our lives. Discover how to find relaxation and improved wellbeing through laughter yoga, a technique that invites laughter without using jokes or humor.
Bring laughter back into your life. The only thing that you need to bring is your laugh and your willingness to try.
Quinn Bailey, MSW
Social Worker, Interior Health
March 9
Caregiver Burnout: Signs, Symptoms and Solutions
The stress of caregiving can take a toll and cause a person to become physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted, which is commonly referred to as burnout. Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout and strategies to cope with the stresses that are part of the caregiving journey. Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to care for anyone else.
Naomi Mison, Founder and CEO of Discuss Dementia,
Public advocate and speaker for those living with dementia and their caregivers
March 8
Want to help your community? Volunteer in health research studies through REACH BC
REACH BC connects British Columbians with researchers for opportunities to participate in both online and in-person health studies. Learn how you can help shape the future of health.
Stefanie Cheah, Manager, REACH BC
Aisling Quigley, Marketing & Communications, REACH BC
Learn more here: REACH BC
March 8
Happipad Companion Housing
Happipad is Canada’s largest companion housing program provider. Learn about providing affordable housing opportunities while creating new social connections.
Cailan Libby, CEO and Founder, happipad
Learn more here: Happipad Companion Housing
March 16
March 24
MyHealthPortal – Electronic health records and you
MyHealthPortal provides patients with 24 hour access to their health information via their phone, tablet or computer through a secure portal from the Interior Health website. Features include the ability to view Interior Health lab results, diagnostic imaging reports (such as X-ray, CT and ultrasound), certain upcoming appointments, recent hospital visit history, and the opportunity to update address and phone number information.
March 2
Aging in Place: Multidisciplinary perspectives on growing older at home
Aging brings many physical, psychological and social changes that result in dynamic and complex changes.
To age in place is the ability to live with adaptability and resilience to maintain functional independence. Considering Canada’s aging population, efforts to support older women and men to age in place is even more pressing today.
Join this Café Scientifique to listen to multidisciplinary perspectives about growing older at home, express your viewpoints, and ask questions to aging experts.
Dr. Jennifer Boger, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Department of Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo; Investigator, Aging in Place Research Cluster, UBC Okanagan campus
Ms. Phuong ‘Lisa’ Ha, PhD Student, Sensorimotor Physiology and Integrative Neuromechanics Lab, School of Health and Exercise Science; Trainee, Aging in Place Research Cluster, UBC Okanagan campus
Ms. Tiana Broen, MSc Student, Health and Adult Development Lab, Department of Psychology, UBC Vancouver campus; Trainee, Aging in Place Research Cluster, UBC Okanagan campus
Dr. Janet Evans, MD, CGB Medical, Kelowna; Member, Advisory Committee, Aging in Place Research Cluster, UBC Okanagan campus
Dr. Brodie Sakakibara, Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; Investigator, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Faculty of Medicine, UBC; Investigator, Aging in Place Research Cluster, UBC Okanagan campus
This event is co-hosted with the Aging in Place Research Cluster, UBC Okanagan campus, and Interior Health.
Games and Virtual Reality for Healthy Aging
Showcasing technologies such as immersive virtual reality, floor projection, and novel wearable sensors, learn how research innovation and game design combine to create specialized games targeting cognitive and physical training so people can stay mentally sharp and physically active while having fun.
John Edison Muñoz, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow
Biocybernetic Systems, University of Waterloo, Canada
Learn more here: https://sites.google.com/view/johnhci/videogames
March 1 – 31
Every Tuesday & Thursday
Walk for Wellness
Get some tips and tricks for making walking a healthy, fun and safe way to enjoy the outdoors.
Each day will start with a brief 5 minute chat on a ‘walking’ topic followed with a 40 minute walk along the Mission Creek Greenway. Once back to the picnic shelter, there will be time for a cool down stretch and chance to ask questions about the day’s topic.
Co-hosted with the UBC Okanagan Eminence Research Cluster
learn more here
March 1 – 31
Try the Y – 1 week FREE trial